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How are we making 2-$10k a month on penny stocks?
We are taking advantage of a round up rule that occurs when stocks (in US stock market) have a reverse split. (Not every reverse split rounds up but we keep track of the ones that will and notify you when they occur)
What is a reverse split?
A reverse split is when a stock lowers its maximum numbers of shares by a set ratio to increase its share price and maintain compliance.
This typically happens when a company is performing poorly and dips below $1 because the company needs to stay above $1 to remain listed on public exchanges such as NYSE/NASDAQ.
For example a 1:100 reverse split, if the stocks prices was .10c and you held 100 shares of that stock you would have a total of $10
After the split those 100 shares turn into 1 share worth $10
Ok...? So we didn't make any money the price stayed the same...?
Well here's what happens.
Round Ups!
Only buy 1 share!
With the example above we would have payed .10c for 1 share and after the split
it would become 1/100 of a share or (0.01) of a share right?
Well, some companies vote to allows brokers to round up the shares so that (0.01) share rounds up to become 1 and is now worth $10 giving you $9.90 profit!!!
So how do we make money? $10 isn't much....
So this is where we start to scale, one account making $10 isn't worth it..
Well what if we had 40+ accounts?
That $10 would now become $400 and all we had to do was buy and sell 1 share on each of those accounts!
Getting Started
We use a handful of different brokers to maximize the amount of accounts we can have, some brokers only let you have 1 account others 3 and some don't have limits.
On the brokers with no limits I currently recommenmd only opening 4 to start, once you have built up some funds 6-8 may be possible without raising much suspicions.
If you do this be sure to name all your accounts to look the part "Car Fund" etc..
Brokers can close you for any reason, don't let your account stick out and never inform them of this method of trading.
Don't apply for margin accounts. CASH is best
Info on each broker
Recommended Order of Accounts
This is just my personal recommendation of what order to open accounts and ease of use of the broker.
Broker Opening Order
Robinhood - 3 (Best for new people to get their feet wet. You can fund them and trade on the same day only down side is waitinfg 2-3 days to see your trade work)
Fennel - 15 (Charges $5 fee per month per account & $0.30 per reverse split) Allows 15 accounts (As of July 17)
This is the only platform we recommend this many accounts as they are okay with it.
Schawb 4+
Chase 4+
Tradier 4+
See more on The YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VL2oMArcik8
Need help with this method? PM Beaks on HF he's a great guy :)